An easy way to earn passive income

As a Limited Partner, you will have the opportunity to seize control of your valuable data and provide it to a company in which you have an ownership interest and can profit yourself.


Download the Innovative Partners app to get started taking back control of your data!

Setup Profile

Setup your profile and chose your tracking settings

Begin Tracking

Allow the app to do the work for you! You are now in control of where your data is sold.

Earn while never compromising security

In today’s economy, data is a valuable commodity. The average American spends nearly 4 hours each day utilizing digital platforms on electronic devices. Take your power back with knowing how your data is shared. Our platform only shares data with trusted partners that YOU have control over.

It Only takes 5 minutes
to start earning

You can take back control of your personal information and benefit from its use. With this app, you can choose which data you want to share and potentially earn passive income from its sale to third-party companies. This innovative approach allows you to actively participate in the data economy and profit from the value of your own information. By using this app, you can protect your privacy, while also benefiting financially from the use of your data all while focusing on your health and managing your fitness.